3 Reasons Why You Should Use an On-Demand Laundry Service

After understanding that your mom won’t help you with your laundry anymore, and that you have better things to do with your time over the weekend, it’s time to list all the reasons why you should “outsource” your laundry and use…

Sudzy POS Fastest Version Ever

In the last two month the Sudzy POS team released four versions targeting performance, stability and ease of use features customers were asking.

We wanted to keep everyone updated about these latest improvements:

Just Throw it in the Bag!

New York! What is up?!

We at Sudzy hope that you’re doing everything but your laundry right now! Especially all the Fathers! We hope you had an amazing laundry-free weekend!

Customer History

Today the Sudzy POS development team released an exciting new feature.

Door hangin’ with Sudzy

Spotted in the East Village: a Sudzy doorhanger! Starting this week some lucky, super special New Yorkers will receive one of these pretty things on their door. They will then be able to join a growing movement of New Yorkers who are ordering free laundry pickup and delivery by pressing…

Today we announce… Friendship

“Sudzy Partners with 200 NYC Laundromats for Express Service” (http://goo.gl/sqsJs8). Today we announced about our amazing friendships with the New York laundromats and dry cleaners. And as a result New Yorkers will get an outstanding experience by their beloved cleaners.