Heat Seals in Sudzy POS

Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2018


Dry cleaners and laundries use heat seal presses to permanently apply barcode and text labels to laundry and dry cleaning. This method allows to quickly serve thousands of garments a day and minimize operator errors by supervisor auditing.

Sudzy POS supports heat seals and garment assembly. We see several use cases when using heat seals in different store, for example several cleaners add extra quality steps and some like to skip steps to make the process faster. Sudzy POS supports all different workflows so you just need to see how to configure the system and it will work for you.

  1. Quick Dropoff — this step allows you to quickly release the customer dropping off their clothes while keeping the line short.
  2. Detailing and Heat Seals — in this step you details the order and make sure all garments are labeled with heat seals. This also allows you to split the order into smaller orders so it will be easier to carry.
  3. Cleaning process- here you either have an on premise or outsource solution which actually clean the garments
  4. Garment Assembly — here happens the magic! When all garments arrive clean to your store, you assemble them into the original orders
  5. Bagger & Racking — In this step you bag the orders and rack it. After this step your customer is notified that the garment is ready for a pickup (if it’s not a delivery)
  6. Customer pickup — is when your customer picks up the order and you update the tickets as done.

If you have any question on how our system supports this process, give us a call and let us know what you think.

The Sudzy POS Team


sales@sudzy.co or call us at (929) 277–8399



The all-in-one solution that grows drycleaners and laundromats with online ordering. Book intro call with Sudzy at https://calendly.com/sales-sudzy/15min